Monday, April 5, 2010

word, yo.

This year Easter kind of snuck up on me. I mean, I knew it was coming obviously. I can read a calendar. But it seemed – spiritually insignificant. My relationship with God has been lacking (non-existent?) of late, and so Easter did not bring joy and thankfulness and worship. I basically ignored Holy Week (spent it flaking on fundraising). My Lent sacrifice had lasted all of 5 days, I think.

My ideas of the resurrection this year were really strongly influenced by all the thinking I’ve been doing about the Incarnation since Urbana. The Word of God put on flesh and moved into my neighborhood. It’s been such a powerful idea for me for the last couple months. The far-off King of the Universe decided to come near to all of us, and to me.

I remember the art piece from Urbana with the tap dancing and spoken word. It’s such an awesome illustration of the Incarnation. I think of God’s work in my life as this constant rhythm now. Can I hear it? Sometimes more clearly than others. Sometimes not so much, like this past month.

But any understanding of the Incarnation is incomplete without Easter. God moved into our block not only to be with us, but to die for us. Wow. And then he rose from the dead. And so did we.